On International Women’s Day, Ashley Services Group has asked the women in our business how we can #BreakTheBias. How can we remove stereotypes and discriminatory behaviours to create a world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive.
These changes can be large or small, as some of our team have shared, but they all add up to help break the bias.
Katrina Elliott is the East Coast Operations Manager for Track Safety Australia and has seen significant change over the past 30 years.
“I am a believer in equality and I have experienced discrimination and prejudice throughout my career. I am no different to many women, I had a great career climbing the ladder however I was wondering when I was going to fit in having children.
“I had my first child when there was no maternity leave, in fact there was no guarantee that there would be a job for me when I returned from 3 months leave. This was in the early 90’s. So I saved my annual leave to cover my time off.
“There’s been a lot of change here since then, including paternity leave for partners. This is a wonderful step forward lets keep going.”
Fiona Dunkerton is the National Compliance and Quality Manager for our training division and has shared her thoughts on what it means to be a woman in 2022.
“I have had strong female role models in my life who have encouraged me, promoted independence and allowed me to express my views. The challenge remains to transform historic and sometimes systemic ideas about women and men – we need a team effort!
“In 2022 I believe women can be assertive AND kind. Women can be compassionate but NOT weak. Women can have a strong sense of identify and NOT be intimidating. Women ARE entitled to have an opinion. Women ARE good enough.”
Finally, Victoria Pryor is the Group General Manager, Strategy and is an advocate for the development, advancement and promotion of women in all aspects of life.
“Everyone you meet should be met with an enquiring mind, not for their gender but rather for what you can learn from them and how they can add to your knowledge and quality of life. This creates human synergies.
“Inclusion and respect should be non-negotiable in 2022. Every one of us plays a role in and outside of the workplace to grow together. We need to open our minds to all genders, treating everyone equally. Every day thousands of people take commercial flights around our great country. If you have ever had a bumpy flight, you put your faith in the pilot and crew. To then to see a female pilot walk out of the cockpit, you then appreciate it’s not the gender that counts, but rather the talent, knowledge and ability that landed you safely on the ground. “Women can fly! And that is not just in literal terms. Women have the ability to fly high in any part of life, and I can’t wait to see more women going after and living their dreams.”